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Our Story

I wish I could sit here and say that this Salon was always the plan, but that would be far from the truth. The truth is, this was never something I wanted. I remember having lots of conversations with God about how I wasn’t the right fit for his vision, and how I was perfectly content in my safely blanket of a two chair loft, doing hair and going home with zero care. This however, is a perfect example of how his will be done and not my own.


One day, while reading, trying to shake this crazy idea of opening a salon, God told me in his word, that Brandon and I would create a safe place, to love on others, and make them feel beautiful from the inside out. Since that day, with every breath of who we are, we have tried to faithfully fulfill that. We never envisioned that we would be fighting to open our doors, at the start of a pandemic… but again with his promises we did just that.  Two years later, it is clear that his work at Studio 1:9 is just beginning… and  everyday I wake up, honored to be used to Glorify him through this work and this special place. 


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and Courageous! Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord our God is with you wherever you go."


Joshua 1:9 

The Salon

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